November 10, 2014 - The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History by Elizabeth Kolbert

Image result for image of the sixth extinction kolbert

Wikipedia Review

New York Times

The Guardian

1 comment:

ken Ingham, admin. said...

This from Kent by email:

Greetings All,

Our Monday night's Reading Group meeting we will discuss Elizabeth Kolbert's new book The Sixth Extinction. She begins the book with the ongoing extinction of amphibians by viruses spread, it is believed, by human agency. Her prime example is the Panamanian Golden Frog.

During our August trip to Panama Marcia and I visited the small nonprofit that is preserving this species and others extinct in the wild. Panamanian scientist Edgardo Griffith (Kolbert's guide in Panama) showed us around and explained the facility's history and goals.

On Monday night we will show a few pictures (on the TV in the library), including live golden frogs and others and the facility.

We hope to see you Monday night,
