Jan 8, 2024 MInistry for the Future by Kim Stanley Robinson


Guardian Review

Bill Gates review 

Author speaking to Bioneers (20min)
(if this were a campaign speech,
I'd drop everything and join the party!)


NPR: The carbon coin: A novel idea

Popular Science: Sci-fi carbon coins could actually save our planet 

Global Carbon Reward (Delton Chen)


"Humans are burning about 40 gigatons (a gigaton is a billion tons) of fossil carbon per year. Scientists have calculated that we can burn about 500 more gigatons of fossil carbon before we push the average global temperature over 2 degrees Celsius higher than it was when the industrial revolution began; this is as high as we can push it, they calculate, before really dangerous effects will follow for most of Earth’s bioregions, meaning also food production for people." -- Robinson, Kim Stanley. The Ministry for the Future: A Novel (p. 29). Kindle Edition.