Listen carefully to dear, old W.H. Hudson. He will tell you of long days rambling down country lanes, of ancient stone walls and green pastures, of deep forests and crumbling cottages, of overgrown churchyards and hidden villages. He will tell tales of rustic farmers and humorous preachers, of skilled fishermen and innocent village girls. He will sing to you of his special love, the birds: of wrens and plovers, of geese and herons, of curlews and peewits, of cuckoos and swallows. He will tell you of wild England as no other writer can.
Hudson is one of the last of the old-style, amateur naturalists, but he is also a writer. His observations are accurate, but poetic rather than prosaic, with just the right mix of fancy and science. And Hudson’s narrative rambles as he does. He will talk about observations he made about bird behavior in the marshes, move on to an incident in the forest where a spider killed a grasshopper, and then to a meditation on death as he rests on an ancient barrow on the heath. Taken from Prof Eric Lehman
More about Hudson
Far Away and Long Ago
I have read the first two chapters and am enjoying it immensely. The description of the house and grounds makes me long for such a place, an old weathered ivy-covered house in the country, close to a river, with all kinds of small birds nesting within an arms reach of the front porch, in a time before "motoring", which Hudson frets will bring radical change to the New Forest.
Thanks for linking to this - I just found it now. I just started a blog focusing on Hudson a few weeks ago. I love your choices here.
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